Meet our Supportis Head of Service at Supportis, Alan Mills…
Brief description of your role: Head of the Service Team who deliver HR advice, consultancy work and setting up HR processes from scratch to SME clients 💼
First job: Royal Navy 🚢
My commute listen: Talk sport ⚽
Favourite food & drink: Italian and red wine 🍷
Desert island disc: Dark side of the Moon – Pink Floyd 🌔
Currently reading: Never – Ken Follett 📖
Currently watching: Bull 🐮
Sending to Room 101: The Kardashians 👋
3 Dream dinner guests: Winston Churchill, Marcus Wareing, Freddie Flintoff 🏏
Specialist subject: Accrington Stanley ⚽
Best thing about working at Supportis: Working with a great team and a solid dependable company 🤝
If you think your business could benefit from our 24/7 HR, Employment Law and H&S services, please give us a call on 0161 603 2156 to see how we can help your business flourish.